Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 25

HEALING with COLOUR HEALING with WHITE WHITE leads us towards higher spiritual attunment and Divine love. It aids mental clarity and encourages us to clear away clutter and obstacles. WHITE has clearing properties that can be used to clear blocked energies. It assists with clear-thinking and helps with revealing the truth within situations and people. WHITE is a healing colour for those who tend to be daydreamers or who lack focus and concentration, or who have trouble and manifesting their desires and reaching their goals. WHITE can be a great healing colour for a person with a negative self-image, as white has the energy and power of transformation. Directing WHITE Light to a part of the body that requires healing is one of the fastest ways to bring about healing. WHITE Light raises the vibration of one’s consciousness and the body, bringing harmony to all aspects of one’s life. HEALING with BLUE BLUE resonates with healing on all levels, calmness and peace of mind. It raises the consciousness to the realm of spirit and is the colour of meditation and connection with the angelic and spiritual realms. BLUE coloured light has been shown to reduce blood pressure and calms the nervous system and is anti-inflammatory. BLUE brings quiet, clarity and peace of mind and can be used to calm and relax the body, soul and mind. Dark BLUE reduces pain and has strengthens the skeleton by keeping the marrow of the bone healthy. Dark BLUE affects the pituitary gland, which is the sleep regulator. It is relaxing and cooling and brings clear thought and clarity of mind. BLUE promotes the healing of burns and wounds. Light and soft BLUE can alleviate insomnia.