Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 14

Follow your intuition. Don’t be afraid to get loud and use some stronger words to get your message across. This is your space, so take charge and show who is the boss. Make sure to open your cabinets and closets. Those entities like to occupy dark places. They like to lurk in the piles of stuff that are not usually disturbed. Some entities like to get attached to physical items. I hope it’s a good enough reason for you to throw away unneeded items and keep your home tidy. Once the salt is completely burnt out, you want to close and protect your space. Smudge again, only clockwise this time. Imagine that you are building protective walls around your home, and these walls will repel all the negativity and the unwanted visitors, both, dead or alive. If you don’t have sage, use any incense you have. You can also burn dry bay leaves or rosemary from your pantry. You can also make a smudge stick from whatever is available in your garden: mint, lavender, chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, raspberry leaves, even pine branches. Your home will smell really nice after the smudging. Smudging helps to clear away negative energies and raise the vibrations, also kills airborne bacteria and viruses. To make your own smudging sticks, bunch up small branches, stems with flowers and leaves, and tie them with cotton twine. Leave the twine ends long enough to make a loop for hanging. If you want, you can attach a small label with the ingredients and the date you’ve made them. Hang to dry in a well- ventilated place away from the sun. Bonus tip: if you’ll display your smudge sticks in a visible area, your visitors will most likely be on their best behavior ! . One smudge stick along with some witchcraft paraphernalia hung over your front door will keep away pesky Jehovah’s Witnesses ! . I know, as a therapist you may worry about scaring away the clients that may be prejudiced against anything that is related to New Age, magic and witchcraft. Stop! I can assure you that these people will not be inquiring about past life regression. Guzalia S. Davis Eldersberg, Maryland,UnitedstatesofAmerica ConsultingHypnotistNLPmasterPractioner Tantra Wellness Educator www.hypnosismage.com www.tantrawellness.net Email:[email protected]