Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 1, ( 1 July 2018) | Page 14

Hematite As I mentioned in my previous write up all of the atomic structure in a crystal is polarized. And we know our bodies are largely water and water is particularly good at holding vibrational patterns. So when our Aura or our body’s vibrational state is not in healthy condition which if not redressed can ultimately take the form of physical or mental illness. Crystals gently realign the patterns and subtle bodies, to bring them back into balance and that’s how, they create, a state of well being. A good stone for grounding and to be in reality yet evoke spirituality. Its specially good for women who lack courage in their life and in case someone wants to bring clarity in emotions and enhance will power it must be used on solar pluxes. It really helps there a lot. Though this is a s