Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 27

Angels will draw beautiful light to help your body get stronger and grow. And sometimes, if there are any booboos, scratches, itches, this light will heal it. Other angels stand over your head and organize your thoughts, they will sort through every bit of everything you saw, heard or read and organize it. Some fairies fetch fears and worries out of your heart, and unicorns will take those fears and worries and carry them through fields, mountains and forest, far…far away from the dream land. Other fairies will find the good feelings in your heart and make them grow bigger and bigger… All that is fun and happy becomes 10, 20, 30, or even 100 times stronger, bigger, happier… And when they’re done, you will wake up in your bed feeling stronger and happier, feeling that every thought and every feeling is perfectly organized. Guzalia S. Davis Eldersberg, Maryland United states of America Consulting Hypnotist NLP master Practioner Tantra Wellness Educator www.hypnosismage.com www.tantrawellness.net Email: [email protected]