Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 24

And here our children are already in this state, open, receptive, ready for us to plant those seeds. Don’t miss that opportunity! Play with them to use your hypnotic skills to help your child to succeed. Embed beneficial suggestions during the game. Example: It is time for Teddy Bear to go to bed, but he is scared of the dark (like your child). Mama Bear invites him to check the room for any possible danger that maybe hidden under the bed, in closets, behind curtains. They don’t find anything. Then Mama Bear tacks Teddy Bear into his bed and tells him a story about how she was afraid of the dark when she was little. “…and once a I saw with my own eyes that there was nothing under my bed or behind the curtains, I knew I am safe and it helped me feel better. Night after night, I felt safer and calmer, until I just stopped thinking about it, I just forgot about my fear completely….” You get the idea? You don’t have to have a formal hypnosis session, you can embed your suggestions during play. You can embed them while telling a night story. My son often asks to repeat some stories over and over. So, I take advantage of it and reinforce the same suggestions. Every part of daily routine can be used to set an anchor. Repetition is a key. It takes about 4 repetitions to set a good anchor. The more the better. Examples: “Have you noticed, as soon as you brush your teeth, the mint flavor makes you feel more energized and ready for action.” “You know, every time we have hot chocolate, I feel cozy and happy. I wonder if you feel it too… cozy and happy.” “Have you noticed that when you sit with your back straight up it makes much easier to focus… and when you really focus, home work is a breeze...”