Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 19

her via ‘ black magic ’ but the answer I received was negative and it seemed that she had attracted more of what she already had .
Meaning that , the fear inside her further drew more fear inside her thus impacting her relationships and health . Most of her chakras were also blocked and they were cleansed and healed too . I tried to delve deeper to identify the effects ( if any ) of any black magic but was met with no luck . Fortunately a master came to guide the session and from the guidance he gave , a few things became clear to me .
• The energy we send out comes back to us so always send out positive energy .
• Let go of all your belief systems – They have no meaning and only serve to hold us back in our spiritual growth . I understood this as “ if we believe that black magic has been done and we will suffer the impact of it then we most certainly will . ” Since our mind is strong , its best not to give focus and attention on those things which hold us back . Henry Ford ’ s famous saying comes to mind here “ Whether you think you can , or you think you can ' t--you ' re right .”
So if the mind believes in something , its possible that it will get manifested hence its best to fill us with only positive thoughts .
. Nivedita Mohala . Clinical Hypnotherapist ,
. Past Life Regression Therapist , Life between Lives Therapist
Email : nivaditamohala @ yahoo . co . in