Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 17

(Excerpt from the book "Resolving Yesterday" authered by Gunilla Hamne & Ulf Sandström) . Ulf Sandström Gunilla Hamne, "ßweden" Stress and Trauma Consultant Founder of Peaceful Heart Network www.peacefulheart.se www.selfhelpfortrauma.org is a mental trainer and hypnotherapist who is extremely curious about what makes us tick. Tock. He works as a complementary therapist with in-depth knowledge and experience of principles, methods and procedures for treatment of a large variety of symptoms of emotional stress and trauma; including flashbacks, addiction, chronic pain, cognitive dissonance, IBS, GAD, COD, grief, rumination and sleep. With the Peaceful Heart Network he works with First Aid for emotional and traumatic stress in zones of post-conflict such as: Rwanda, D.R. Congo and Lesbos, Greece Read more at: www.ulfsandstrom.com, www.peacefulheart.se & www.selfhelpfortrauma.org.