Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 11

GAME -Life is like the board game of 'Snake and ladder' dice are, the thoughts. What are thoughts? The information gathered by conscious mind and then, personal meaning given to it and later stored in the person's subconscious mind as memories. These memories can be sweet or painful. They are thoughts. The board game' LIFE', begins like this; The dice rolls, a thought pops up, and we start taking moves accordingly, we will find, we climb the ladder, if the thoughts are positive, otherwise, the poisonous sting of the snake, a single negative thought, tumbles us, down in life. If we fail to decide to move again with all zest and mindfulness 'WE' lose the game of life. How one can be mindful? It is understanding, how the mind deletes, distorts and generalise an incident (event) and a thought is generated. The impact, imprint of the thought, results into present behaviour. Painful thought imprints are re- imprinted by techniques of NLP. Learn the art of life and skill-fully play the game. Learn to master the mind, let it not rule and dictate our life. Emotional disturbances caused by negative thoughts, give birth to all auto immune diseases. Life is wonderful to live, god has bestowed, us with. Believe me, friends we are blessed species of God's creation, because there are innumerable resources available for us. Don 't end the LIFE game in between without giving it the second chance. Hema Goyal Soft skill Trainer Image Consultant Master practioner and Coach 
 of Neuro Linguistic Proggraming (NLP)
 and Subconcious Re – Imprinting Email: [email protected]