Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 5, (I November 2016) | Page 22

healing to align his anergy centers (chakras) which were clearly dis balanced due to shock and, his inability to understand his new situation. After healing he was more calm and grounded; then his counseling begin we discussed everything and every little possible detail. I put up this fact as gently in front of him as I could; that, if it is some kind of trigger to disrupt his life due to some childhood trauma, past life or some kind of curse, he may return to his previous way of life. However ,I said , "please understand it could be a discovery of your real orientation too, in which case you will first learn to accept yourself; of course Hypnotherapy will help you in that. Then we may call your wife here put her through counseling to let her absorb the news and then, help her to accept it, and take her decision, whatever that may be accordingly". But for now, we will begin with an open mind, keeping all our options in hand and see what will unravel . We will begin with hope and firm belief that everything happens for a reason. He seems to be comforted and consoled to some extend by then. Now in his next session when I put him into trance . he immediately went into his childhood and saw himself being molested by his male house help when he was barely two and a half year old further , while he grew up he was being sodomised at the age of 10 by a relative where in pain he felt very dirty. and he blacked out afterward could not see a thing other then a red flame. he was still in trance. We have requested to talk to that energy through him that energy granted permission . It introduced itself as 'anger ' and told, that it came to protect him from further humiliation and helplessness. We thank that energy and requested it to leave , as now the purpose is solved and he does not need anger anymore. It readily agreed to release him. Once it has left, we went back to the first incident ; there we dealt with that servant by stopping him and very clearly with full confidence child told him to stop or he will be reported to the elders.He rallied instantly and stopped and released the child. After this visualization, we did the child integration,then self forgiveness , guilt release and forgiveness for that servant too so that he can move on from that incidence without any further attachment. We went on to the second incident .Here we asked him to imagine that his father intervened and he is giving that child a lot of love and acceptance and, immediately he reprimanded that relative. Now, in his father 's love and understanding that child felt safe. We called his father for two reasons; one he related more with his father,(as revealed in pre talk), other we wanted a man so, the perception that men are dirty in the child's mind can be changed. Then we did white light healing to his heart and made him see that, there is nothing wrong with him,he is completely guilt free and fit to be himself.