Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 4, (I October 2016) | Page 24

and then I make their life miserable" he revealed it in his session. We released the pain of shoulder into white light and we collected his part. he was feeling handicapped. and then we saw the learning which was survival as he survived his attack. Now we went back t the scene to create another possibility as he wanted to change that, this time he again saw the fighting with spider but this time he was not defeated another spider backed off and he could save himself. So he became a survivor. He believed that women in general are characterless, and men too are just opportunists. He had relationship problem too as he felt he could never be able to hold a woman's interest and love. Physically he felt less capable inspire of having good physiognomy. We did age regression and he reached to the part where he was a newly born baby and he urinated unknowingly in incubator. One midwife actually verbally abused his male organ and slapped it by her hand, this had a deep effect on his sexual performance. not only that, It effected him in his performance at work and success too specially in comparison of other males since he felt a little less adequate than others. He was successfully released from that trauma. Now he saw one more past life as a lion where a young lion came and defeated him and his mate started living with him. He had the issue to feel powerless. being a lion he felt very sad and he started living in the same territory by being nothing. Here we again recreated that scene this time he won and lived with his mate for a life time. Now from there he got his confidence back. I gave him affirmation to say to himself daily. It is safe for me to allow my self to accept my masculinity and feel powerful. After he finished his therapy exactly two weeks from then he got a Job, he is prospering since then and, he is able to get into normal relationship with women. Though he had yet to meet his life time mate in this birth. But, Since then life is moving upwards and giving him abundance. Jyotsana Chhibber Jain Psychologist and Integrated Clinical hypnotherapists PLR therapist Life betweenLife therapist California institute of India. Email: [email protected]