Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 22

nourishment, while water and earth minerals make up around 30% of their nutritious requirement. Trees are the biggest and most profoundly highly developed plants on earth. When one develops a connection with a tree he realizes continually in contemplation, observing and meditating. One can understand that inconspicuous vitality is their normal dialect. Trees can help one open his imperativeness channels and grow calm. Trees also help in developing intuitiveness and vitality. One can help trees with their own particular blockages and devitalized regions. As a matter of first importance, every tree, similar to every individual, has an identity, wants, and its very own existence. Some are extroverted and develop connection easily while may be slightly reserved and take time for developing the connection. Trees that are hale and healthy can be very liberal in sharing their energy while others who may feeble or sick may take more energy till they get healed. Most of the sick trees appreciate the effort one puts in and reciprocate in generous manner once they are health or on pathway to their health. Physically embrace a tree. Picture one’s negative imperativeness going down the tree's roots to be reused by Mother Earth. At that point picture the tree absorbing supporting vitality from Mother Earth up through its roots. So one’s negative energy goes down to mother earth who has the power of converting it into positive energy that comes back to the tree. One can likewise sit under tree and visualize that his negative energies are being pulled in to mother earth and being changed over to positive vitality that is being taken up by the foundations of the tree. Keep visualizing that from roots the positive vitality is going up the trunk of the tree and tree discharging this positive vitality on to one's head through its branches. Another technique is putting right hand on one side of the trunk of the tree and left hand on the other side. Envision that negative vitality is experiencing left hand into the trunk of the tree and from trunk to mother