Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 11

One woman ’ s life-long fear of water kept her from swimming . She went back to a recent past life where she drowned in a fastflowing river and lost her two ( 2 ) young children when the boat they were in capsized . After feeling the terrible pain of this loss ( not only of her own life , but her children ’ s as well !) she moved forward to experience her death , and the decision she made at the time was : " I ' ll never go in the water again !"
Past Life Therapy is based on the Law of Karma . Karma means action . It ’ s the principle of cause and effect . Taken simply , it means that for every action there is a consequence . Say bad words in front of your parents and you ’ ll get your mouth washed out with soap . Drive your car 80 miles per hour in a 60 miles per hour zone while thumbing your nose at the cop you just passed and you ’ ll get a ticket - nothing really magical , mystical or even very spiritual about this . Remember Newton ’ s Third Law of Motion ? For every action , there is an equal and opposite reaction .
What ’ s been put into motion in the past has effects in the present . Karma , however , is both subtle and complex . Thoughts and attitudes can create karma just as strongly as can tangible deeds and actions . Famed American psychic Edgar Cayce , considered by many to be the true founder of the New Age Movement and a principal source of its most fundamental beliefs , had this to say about the subject . “ Whatever we think , that thought makes an impression on the Universal Consciousness . Nothing is lost or done in secret . Everything is done within the Universal Consciousness , and the Whole is affected by it ( as well as all others within the Whole ). Reactions to past thoughts and actions become our destiny and karma . Our destiny is simply the rebounding effects of previous choices remembered by the soul ”.
So , what we set in motion in a past life , and our motivation , is influencing our current life - physically , emotionally , mentally , financially , or spiritually . What we set in motion now , and our