Head Of The Charles Regatta 2018 HOCR Program | Page 35

was reduced, although not necessar- ily for the person who had to partner with him. I was 29 at the time, and I consid- ered anyone over 50 “over the hill.” I knew that Parker had never really got- ten out of shape, however, for I’d seen him running in the fall triathlon with his varsity squads. While his hairline may have receded, his muscular body was still quite fit. And so, not wanting to embarrass either my new sculling partner, or myself I started running a few stadium flights and getting out on the river in a single every day. Then, when the first week of October rolled around, I walked over the bridge to Newell boathouse during my lunch break and Harry and I had our first practice together. After we put the double into the water there was no discussion about the seating plan—Harry just dropped into the stroke seat without saying a word. I breathed a sigh of relief, and set myself up in the bow. There, at least, he wouldn’t be able to critique my rowing, and as a former seven seat I prided myself at being extremely adept at following and adjusting to whoever was put in front of me. But as we shoved off and took our few full-length strokes at pressure, I soon faced a challenge unlike any I had faced before. Not only was Parker’s stroke unique in its construction— Our ideal course was more toward the middle of the river than I had imagined, and we forsook the inside corner at a few key turns. quick and powerful—it was also not entirely predictable, much like the man himself. I shortened up my reach and made due, compressing my normally long delivery into a quick attack. When you pattern yourself on someone else, rowing-wise or oth- erwise, there are often unforeseen consequences. Everyone is guilty of imitation to some degree, for we are ALL WE LCOME. G E EKS Miracle of Science is a geek-chic watering hole in Central Square for artists and scientists alike to nerd out over craft brews, offering a unique environment with a periodic table menu chalked up on the wall. E NCOURAGED. 61 7 . 8 6 8 . ATO M MIRACLEOFSCIENCE.US 3 2 1 M A S S . AV E , C A M B R I D G E MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION FIFTY-FOURTH HEAD OF THE CHARLES REGATTA 35