HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 5 | Page 13

F R O M Continued from page 10 incarceration. Having a suspended license makes it difficult to get to work to earn the money needed to pay those fines and fees. Prosecuting someone for driving with a license that is suspended for financial reasons only worsens the problem by threatening job security and undermining public safety. As part of our office’s efforts to stop this cycle, we adopted a human-centered approach to handling Driving with License Suspended (DWLS) cases. If the original suspension resulted from financial reasons rather than a public safety issue (such as a DUI), our office works with the drivers to get their licenses reinstated. When a driver successfully regains his or her license, our office dismisses the charges. We implemented this policy in 2017, and in 2018, we dismissed approximately 2,500 DWLS cases — 32 percent of the total number of DWLS cases — because the offender successfully had his or her license reinstated. We have made our roads safer and freed up precious criminal justice resources while showing compassion toward those struggling to make ends meet. T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y An d re w H. Wa r re n - S t at e At t o r n ey Our office’s commitment to helping those in need extends beyond those who are currently involved in the criminal justice system. In 2018, we hosted the first-ever expungement clinic in Hillsborough County, which allowed approved applicants to have one criminal record sealed or expunged for an arrest or charge that did not result in adjudication. The estimated cost of expungement or sealing often exceeds $2,500 in application and legal fees. We were able to host the clinic at no cost to participants, because of money raised and services provided by our office and other community partners. This event helped people move beyond a single mistake in their past and pursue better employment and housing opportunities for themselves and their families. We are committed to stopping the criminalization of poverty while prosecuting criminals and serious offenders who threaten public safety. Dismantling poverty traps means more than eliminating counter - productive and wasteful criminal justice policies. It also means giving struggling families the opportunity to achieve economic stability. G RACE H. Y ANG , HCBA P RESIDENT -E LECT G RACIOUSLY R EQUESTS THE H ONOR OF Y OUR P RESENCE AT THE Installation of Officers and Directors Thursday, June 6 | 5 to 7 p.m. | Ceremony at 5:45 p.m. Chester H. Ferguson Law Center Complimentary for members R.S.V.P. at www.hillsbar.com or Call (813) 221-7777 Sponsored by: 6 >= ? / ? - ) * < ? : 5 ; 2 +??.38>?7>0=<1 ;;