HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 5 | Page 12

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y A n d re w H. Wa r re n - S t at e A t t o r n ey f o r t h e T h i r t e e n t h Ju d i c i a l C i rc u i t Poverty Traps Undermine Public Safety, Perpetuate Vicious Cycle Approximately 45 percent of working families in Florida struggle to afford life’s basic necessities. A pproximately 45 percent of working families in Florida struggle to afford life’s basic necessities: housing, food, health care, and transportation. Our working neighbors are treading water to keep their heads above poverty, just one unforeseen expense away from a crisis. Beyond their financial struggles, the working class are also vulnerable to ending up in the criminal justice system because of “poverty traps” that effectively criminalize economic hardship. From driver’s license suspensions to the imposition of excessive fines and court fees, Florida is guilty of setting poverty traps that penalize otherwise law-abiding citizens simply for being poor. Our office is implementing policies and programs that decriminalize poverty and reduce the financial burden on families in Hillsborough County. For example, a red light ticket in Florida costs approximately $158. That ticket bumps up to $262 if it is not paid after the first notification — a 66 percent increase from the cost of the original ticket. One traffic violation can catapult someone into a downward spiral of exorbitant fees, criminal charges, and, in the most extreme cases, Continued on page 11 Want to advertise your business to THOUSANDS OF ATTORNEYS in the Tampa Bay area? Call (813) 221-7777 for information. ;5 6 >= ? / ? - ) * < ? : 5 ; 2 +??.38>?7>0=<1