HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 4 | Page 4

46 seCtions 28 18 THe new Year usHers in signiFiCanT appellaTe rule aMendMenTs 50 55 Appellate Practice Section by Steven L. Brannock 22 THe iMporTanCe oF selF-Care For FaMilY praCTiTioners Collaborative Law Section by Katherine C. Scott and Alice M. Boullosa 28 CHapTer 558 and CoMMenCeMenT oF an aCTion: gindel v. CenTeX Construction Law Section by Jaret J. Fuente & Monica L. Strady 32 direCT priMarY Care: noT insuranCe Health Care Law Section by Sunny Levine 43 20 THere are no rosen Fees Marital & Family Law Section by Mark Baseman 20 Can an Heir agree To release all rigHTs To an anCesTor’s esTaTe? 58 36 seTTleMenT silver lining: reTaining TaX deFerred growTH 52 54 inTelleCTual properTY MisTakes solo MarkeTers Make Florida supreMe CourT reaFFirMs THaT FrYe is THe sTandard Trial & Litigation Section by Jaret J. Fuente & Monica L. Strady preserving THe seCreCY oF Trade seCreTs in a digiTal world 58 Intellectual Property Section by Vanessa Ferguson 46 Taking a knee To Free speeCH in THe workplaCe Labor & Employment Law Section by Gregory A. Hearing & Matthew A. Bowles THE HIllSBoroUGH CoUNTY Bar aSSoCIaTIoN LAWYER Chester H. Ferguson law Center 1610 N. Tampa St., Tampa Fl 33602 Telephone (813) 221-7777 www.hillsbar.com editor ed Comey assistant editor Maria ramos executive director John F. kynes adverTising pr/Communications director stacy williams [email protected] (813) 221-7779 we’re noT so diFFerenT Diversity Committee by Adam L. Bantner, II sea CHange For MiliTarY JusTiCe Military & Veterans Affairs Committee by Matthew Smith raising proFessionals: law sCHool pro Bono work Professionalism & Ethics Committee by Ann M. Piccard Solo & Small Firm Section by Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik 62 To inFiniTY and BeYond: eXploring leadersHip THrougHouT TaMpa BaY Bar Leadership Institute by Kendra McCan Lyman Real Property Probate & Trust Section by Lauren Taylor and Nicole Zaworska Securities Section by Joseph P. Glackin sTand Your ground: wHaT aBouT THis 2017 aMendMenT? Criminal Law Section by Matthew Alex Smith 40 56 Committees in everY issue 15 29 33 46 66 67 67 67 BeneFiT providers 100 CluB new HCBa MeMBers save THe daTe around THe assoCiaTion ClassiFied adverTising JurY Trials adverTising indeX oFFiCers president: John schifino president-elect: grace Yang; immediate past president: gordon Hill secretary: scott stigall; Treasurer: robert J. scanlan eX-oFFiCio Chief Judge ronald Ficarrotta; Judge Frances M. perrone, amy s. Farrior direCTors: alex Caballero victoria n. Ferrentino paige a. greenlee Matthew Hall vivian C. Hodz amanda M. uliano anthony d. Martino Jason k. whittemore Cory person Jacqueline simms-petredis (ISSN 1553-4456) THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Lawyer is published six times per year by the Hillsborough County Bar Association. Editorial, advertising, subscription, and circulation offices: 1610 N. Tampa St., Tampa, FL 33602. Changes of address must reach the Lawyer office six weeks in advance of the next issue date. Give both old and new address. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notices to Hillsborough County Bar Association, 1610 N. Tampa St., Tampa, FL 33602. One copy of each Lawyer is sent free to members of the Hillsborough County Bar Association. Additional subscriptions to members or firm libraries are $50. Annual subscriptions to others, $100. Single copy price, $15.00. (All plus tax.) The Lawyer is published as part of the HCBA’s commitment to provide membership with information relating to issues and concerns of the legal community. Opinions and positions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those of the HCBA. Submissions of feature articles, reviews, and opinion pieces on topics of general interest to the readership of the Lawyer are encouraged and will be considered for publication. 2 MAR - APR 2019 | HCBA LAWYER