HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 4 | Page 14

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y An d re w H. Wa r re n - St at e At t o r n ey fo r t h e T h i r t e e n t h Ju d i c i a l Ci rc u i t elevating victims’ rights in Hillsborough County V The implementation of the crime victims’ rights amendment created an opportunity to revisit and re-energize our victim assistance program. ictims of crime deserve respect and dignity from our criminal justice system. From the right to receive notification of hearings to having a voice in front of a judge who is considering the impact of a defendant’s crime, legal protections for crime victims restore much-needed balance to our criminal justice system. Efforts to establish constitutional rights for crime victims began in 1982 when President Ronald Regan created the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. In a report issued that year, the Task Force concluded that the criminal justice system had lost an “essential balance.” While in no way seeking to lessen the constitutional safeguards that protect the rights of the accused, the Task Force found that “the system has deprived the innocent, the honest, and the helpless of its protection.” Nearly 36 years later, Florida sought to return balance to our judicial process and relieve burdens the criminal justice system has placed on crime victims. 12 During the November 2018 elections, constitutional rights for crime victims in Florida became law. Imagine you or a loved one is the victim of a violent crime and just days afterwards is shocked to learn that Continued on page 13 MAR - APR 2019 | HCBA LAWYER