HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 6 | Page 3

THE HIllSBoRoUGH CoUNTY BAR ASSoCIATIoN LAWYER SUMMER 2018 | Vol. 28, No. 6 divisions features & events 8 3 4 6 deStigmatiziNg depreSSioN Editor’s Message by Ed Comey FareweLL aNd tHaNk you HCBA President’s Message by Gordon Hill aNotHer great year iN tHe yLd…tHaNkS to tHe Support oF maNy YLD President’s Message by Melissa Mora 8 2018 LiBerty BeLL award goeS to Former FLa. gov. BoB martiNez Executive Director’s Message by John F. Kynes 10 emBraCiNg data to improve CrimiNaL JuStiCe From the State Attorney by Andrew H. Warren 12 addreSSiNg meNtaL HeaLtH at Court From the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta 11 New Bar admittee SweariNg-iN CeremoNy 14 #metoo – How a HaSHtag CaN impaCt your Law Firm 11 by Judge Claudia Rickert Isom and Dean Laura Rosenbury 16 proFeSSioNaLiSm aNd etHiCS Committee LuNCHeoN 18 25 27 Law & LiBerty diNNer 31 32 36 41 CoNStruCtioN SeCtioN LuNCHeoN/CLe 43 47 52 HeaLtHCare SeCtioN LuNCHeoN 56 58 63 SeCuritieS SeCtioN LuNCHeoN 68 diverSity Committee aNNuaL CLe JudiCiaL LuNCHeoN – CiviL paNeL CoLLaBorative Law LuNCHeoN/CLe aNd yLd JudiCiaL appreCiatioN LuNCHeoN 18 FoX 13 aSk-a-Lawyer voLuNteerS 2018 Law day memBerSHip LuNCHeoN appeLLate LuNCHeoN aNd SeNior CouNSeL SeCtioN LuNCHeoN pirate pLuNder CarNivaL yLd SpriNg Happy Hour aNd weLLNeSS eveNt 47 NatioNaL parkS pHoto SuBmiSSioNS triaL & LitigatioN SeCtioN awardS LuNCHeoN 52 about the Cover In our last issue of the 2017-18 Bar year, we are highlighting our final scenic spot, the beautiful Second Falls at Graveyard Fields, located off the Blue Ridge Parkway near milepost 418 in the popular Pisgah National Forest in western North Carolina. The photo was taken by Gordon Hill, our immediate past president, during one of his many sight-seeing trips. The falls are at the junction of two high ridges, where the Yellowstone Prong of the Pigeon River has its headwaters. Capped by mountains exceeding 6,000 ft. in elevation, Graveyard Fields is a high, flat mountain valley. The stunning waterfalls and distinct landscape make it one of the most popular spots along the Blue Ridge Parkway for hiking. The trails lead to three waterfalls: Second Falls, Upper Falls and Yellowstone Falls. The Pisgah National Forest is home of the first tract of land purchased under the Weeks Act of 1911 which led to the creation of the national forests in the eastern United States. It is also home of the first school of forestry in the United States, now preserved at the Cradle of Forestry in America historic site, and boasts two of the first designated wilderness areas in the east. We have enjoyed highlighting our nation’s beautiful national parks and forests on our covers this Bar year, and thank the members who have kindly lent us their travel photos. We received so many beautiful photos, and wished we could have highlighted more on our covers. So, as a special bonus, we are featuring several additional photo submissions we received of national park scenes on page 58. SUMMER 2018 | HCBA LAWYER 1