HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 2 | Page 3

THE HIllSBOROUGH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER NOV - DEC 2017 | VOl. 28, NO. 2 divisions 6 features & events 14 THE FLORidA BAR YOung LAwYERS diviSiOn by Anisha P. Patel, John Dicks and Alexandra Palermo 16 23 3 4 ALL-AMERiCAn KidS 30 32 38 THE BAR LEAdERSHiP inSTiTuTE 47 Editor’s Message by Ed Comey HCBA President’s Message by Gordon Hill 6 YOung LAwYERS MAKE A diFFEREnCE YLD President’s Message by Melissa Mora 8 10 #TAMPASTROng Executive Director’s Message by John F. Kynes A SMART CHAngE FOR JuvEniLE JuSTiCE in HiLLSBOROugH COunTY 48 51 55 56 58 COngRATuLATiOnS TO THE 2017-18 BAR LEAdERSHiP inSTiTuTE CLASS COnSTRuCTiOn SECTiOn LunCHEOn/CLE YLd gOLF TOuRnAMEnT FALL MEMBERSHiP LunCHEOn THAnKS TO ALL OuR FOX 13 ASK-A-LAwYER vOLunTEERS! COLLABORATivE LAw SECTiOn LunCHEOn/CLE JOHn gERMAnY YOung REAdERS "REAd TO dREAM" iniTiATivE SECuRiTiES LAw SECTiOn LunCHEOn TRiAL & LiTigATiOn SECTiOn HOSTS MAYOR BuCKHORn COngRATuLATiOnS TO nEw AdMiTTEES HCBA & YLd BOARdS PLAn FOR THE YEAR AHEAd 16 30 32 From the State Attorney by Andrew H. Warren 12 JuvEniLE OFFEnSES CAn RESuLT in POSiTivE OuTCOMES 47 From the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta 58 about the Cover Continuing our tribute to our nation’s national parks this Bar year, this issue’s cover features a photo of the iconic Half Dome at Yosemite National Park in California, taken by our very own President Gordon Hill, on a trip with his family this July. The Half Dome rises nearly 5,000 feet above the Yosemite Valley and is a popular and challenging destination for hikers. NOV - DEC 2017 | HCBA LAWYER 1