HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 1 | Page 9

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E Go rd o n Hi l l - Hi l l Wa rd He n d e r s o n “Cornhole for a Cause” benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay. In short, our Association’s world. In other words, it is our duty lawyers are definitely “paying their to give back to the society that has rent,” and the HCBA is playing an given us so much. He lived this important role in helping them do so. motto by leading and serving our One of my goals as President is to local community in a wide variety tell that story, in order to combat the of ways, including serving as a negative reputation our profession member of the Hillsborough often has in society. We need to County School Board for over 20 change the narrative from lawyer years, leading the effort to change jokes and snide remarks to one of the Tampa City Charter, helping to respect for the profession and an establish the “Crime Commission” understanding of all the great things to fight gambling and organized lawyers have done and do every day crime, and helping to lead the City’s in our society. efforts to annex the Wellswood and 1(:":*?%"?2):$&!:*(??><.?%? 5&?5)%(":)$?5&?1&$(:)$?%?;''?5' As part of this initiative, in each Palma Ceia neighborhoods and of my articles, I will highlight much of North Tampa. lawyers who have been giving back to the community in As I think of my grandfather’s words, it strikes me that abundance, starting with my friend and fellow attorney lawyers as a profession definitely “pay their rent” — Stephen Koch. Stephen served as Chairman of the Board perhaps more than any other profession. Consider the of the local Big Brothers Big Sisters chapter when the historical impact that lawyers in our country have had, agency was desperately searching for its next CEO. In from John Adams to Abraham Lincoln to Franklin D. response, Stephen agreed to step in on a temporary basis. Roosevelt to Thurgood Marshall to Sandra Day That was 15 years ago, and he has been serving since O’Connor. And that legacy has continued right here in then. During his tenure, Stephen has been instrumental Hillsborough County with the likes of Reece Smith, Sam in expanding the agency’s outreach to thousands more Gibbons, Chester Ferguson, Doyle Carlton, Cody Fowler, underprivileged kids and has been named both the George Edgecomb, Josephine Stafford, Arthenia Joyner, Florida and National “Big Brother of the Year” for the E.J. Salcines, and John Germany – all of whom played mentoring relationships he established with his “little (and some of whom continue to play) significant roles in brothers.” The Tampa Bay agency is now the fifth largest shaping our local community. in the nation. Like so many lawyers in Hillsborough That tradition carries on today with so many lawyers County, Stephen Koch has paid more than his fair share doing so much in our community. We provide countless of rent. hours of pro bono service each year; serve on virtually every charitable board in the area; are active in public service as judges, government attorneys, and military officers; and donate and raise millions of dollars for **** the Hillsborough County Bar Foundation and other Please help me to tell our story by charitable organizations. providing the names of other attorneys I am particularly proud of the role the HCBA has who have gone above and beyond in their played in facilitating community involvement. Through civic involvement. I may not be able to the HCBA, lawyers have launched and participated in include everyone in my articles, but I several incredible programs, such as “Adopt A Veteran,” think it is important to recognize at least “Elves for Elders,” “Dining with Dignity” at the Trinity some of you who have done so much to Café, the “Pirate Plunder Party” at A Kid’s Place, the make our community a better place for many events related to Law Week, and of course last year’s everyone. Thank you, and I look forward “Read to Dream” program (just to name a few). And our to a great Bar year! next generation of lawyers — the Young Lawyers Division — also has many community service projects, such as **** “Steak & Sports Day,” “Holidays in January,” and Continued from page 6 1<2;?3?.>;??8697??,??4>5=?0=+/<- 7