HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 1 | Page 12

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F. K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n Gordon Hill Sworn In as HCBA President; Continues Family Legacy of Service to Bar and Community As the HCBA looks to the future, we look forward to your continued input and involvement to help make the HCBA the best Bar association it can be for all its members. B en Hill III, local legal icon and community leader, was in a familiar situation. He was talking to a group of lawyers about the importance of serving others and giving back to the community. The occasion was the HCBA’s 2017-18 Installation of Officers and Directors on June 8, where Hill III was introducing his youngest son, Gordon, as HCBA president. It was just three years ago when he introduced his other son, Ben IV, as HCBA president as well. Continued on page 11 96 >"&:? !:?-%*? &'))%(('?'*!?4>5=$?*:?):$&!:*(? %)!%*?4&##? '(:)?"&$?$:')&*3&*?%*? *:? 1<2;?3?.>;??8697??,??4>5=?0=+/<-