Hawthorne Student Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 32

Hawthorne School Parent-Student Handbook 2016-2017
Our Code of Conduct is based on the administration ‘ s beliefs in responsive school discipline , which has as its foundation that a positive , physically and emotionally nurturing environment enables children optimal growth academically and socially .
All students will be guided toward actions and general behavior that help children develop self control . We will offer clear expectations for behavior and actively teach children how to live up to the expectations .
Every school must have rules . Rules must be fair and must be the same for everyone .
� Rules establish guidelines and expectations for positive behavior . � Rules create a sense of order and safety in the classroom . � Rules make it possible to live and work together .
All students are expected to behave appropriately in accordance with the Hawthorne School Code of Conduct , Board policy and regulations . Students who engage in inappropriate behavior will receive a Conduct Report or a disciplinary letter . The administration and faculty will consider each case individually and administer appropriate discipline in accordance with Board policy . Weapons of any kind are not permitted at school , on the school bus , or at schoolsponsored functions . Possession of any weapon , real or fake , will be reported to the Teaneck Police and will result in suspension . Toys are never permitted at school , especially those that resemble or can be used as weapons . Students may not wear hats in the school building , except those worn for religious reasons or to identify Safety Patrol and Peer Mediators . Gum chewing is not permitted in school or on the playground at any time . Cellular phones are not permitted to be used during the school day and students are discouraged from bringing them to school . The use , possession or distribution of cigarettes or other tobacco products , drugs and / or alcohol is strictly prohibited .
Hawthorne School does not permit unwelcome sexual comments , disrespectful actions , inappropriate touching or derogatory remarks regarding another ' s race , color , national origin , disability , sexual orientation , gender identity , ancestry , religion , socioeconomic status , or gender . Any such comment , action or remark should be reported immediately to the teacher . Bullying or harassment based on any of these foregoing personal characteristics or any other reason is strictly prohibited and must be immediately reported to the Principal .
A student is not allowed to be a bully towards another student or a school employee on school property , at a school function , or on the school bus . A bully is a student whose words or conduct harm a person , damage a person ' s property , or make a person fear that the bully will harm the person or damage the person ' s property . Also , a bully is a student whose conduct or words could be seen as insulting or demeaning , and whose words or conduct disrupt or
interfere with school activities . REP
The Teaneck Board of Education may use metal detecting devices in all school buildings , on school grounds , and at all school activities . Additionally , electronic surveillance may be used