HAPI Guide Summer 2017 | Page 42

CONSCIOUS CINEMA aid. The idea behind “pay it forward” is intended to distinguish it from the prevailing concept of “pay it back,” thereby encouraging a change in mindset, one where charity is unreservedly extended from one individual to the next, creating a chain of be- nevolence, rather than a sense of owing, that ex- tends throughout all of connected humanity. Now there’s an idea we can all gain from, not only in terms of the material assistance we each receive, but also in significantly revitalizing our awareness of our connection to one another. There’s truly much to be said for making the most of our links to one another, and, under the disjointed conditions we’re currently experiencing, the soon- er we work toward developing this, the better off we’ll be. Let’s hope we recognize the value of this concept sooner rather than later. As these movies show us, we have a lot of inspiration to draw upon – and no excuses for failing to do so. Copyright © 2017, by Brent Marchant. All rights reserved. 42 | HAPI Guide A lifelong movie fan and longtime stu- dent of metaphys- ics, Brent Marchant is the award-win- ning author of Get the Picture?!: Con- scious Creation Goes to the Movies (http:// booklaunch.io/ brent%20march- ant/get-the-picture) and Consciously Cre- ated Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction (http://booklaunch.io/brent%20marchant/ consciously-created-cinema), books that pro- vide a reader-friendly look at how the practice of “conscious creation” (also known as “the law of attraction”) is illustrated through film. Brent maintains an ongoing blog (http://brent- marchantsblog.blogspot.com) about meta- physical cinema and other self-empowerment topics through his web site (www.BrentMarch- ant.com). He is also Featured Contributor for Smart Women’s Empowerment (http://www. smartwomensempowerment.org) and Mov- ie Correspondent for The Good Radio Network (http://www.thegoodradionetwork.com/). His additional writing credits have included con- tributions to Library Journal, BeliefNet, VividLife magazine, New Age News and Master Heart Magazine. Hear Brent as movie review radio correspondent on Frankiesense & More (http:// toginet.com/shows/frankiesenseandmore/) and on New Consciousness Review’s Reviewers Roundtable (www.ncreview.com). He’s a fre- quent guest on various Internet and broadcast radio shows, as well as a regular presenter at conscious creation conferences. Brent holds a B.A. in magazine journalism and history from Syracuse University.