HAPI Guide HAPIguide FALL 2017 | Page 8

HEALTH great concentrations of THC, and the male plant is predominately a plant that provides the other cannabinoids like cannabidiol or CBD. There are other cannabinoids that are important medically. There’s the acronym CBG for cannabigerol, which is a cannabinoid that is very potent for people who have hypertension or glaucoma. There is another cannabinoid, cannabinol, CBN, which is a great non-psychoactive cannabinoid that helps people with sleep. There are about 90 different cannabinoids, and the plant itself provides oth- er essential oils. Most of the effects that people will have actually come from what are called ter- penes or other plant essential oils that provide the scent of a given cannabis strain. You’ll have some strains that smell like lemon, some strains that smell like blueberry, some strains that smell like lavender; those essential oils actually provide what’s been termed as the entourage effect for cannabis. Those are really potent chemicals that work together with THC to create the euphoric effect of “being high”, or the effect of being sleepy. inhale or smoke cannabis. Other modes of thera- py are ingestion, such as a pill form, or raw in the form of juice; topically as lotions or suppositories; so you have lots of different modes of therapy. I’m someone who believes that inhalation is fine if done properly, but you have to look at the mar- ketplace, and most of the products out there and most of the ways that people do it can be really harmful for them. I think it’s important to point out that these terpenes are very widespread in the plant kingdom, and it’s just that marijuana seems to bring them together a particularly potent and useful mix. If someone, let’s say, smokes a joint or uses a pipe to smoke the flower, they’re actually harming their lungs because of the intense heat – the tem- perature of the vapor that you’re inhaling can get up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you get up above 800 degrees Fahrenheit you’re also creat- ing toxic gases like toluene that are carcinogenic. When I talk to patients I encourage them to use these mini-vaporizers on the marketplace now that limit the temperature of the vapor that some- one’s going to inhale to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The boiling points for most of the cannabinoids and terpines are anywhere from about 345 de- grees to 425 degrees Fahrenheit, so you’re going to get most of the good things from the plant without any of the other bad effects due to the temperature or toxic gases that might be created by smoking it a different way. Absolutely, you’re very correct. Now in terms of mode of therapy, most commonly people will Because inhaling it is the fastest way to get it into your bloodstream, I’m an advocate of people us- 8 | HAPI Guide