HAPI Guide HAPIguide FALL 2017 | Page 23

ABUNDANCE HEALTH IN THE STARS Astromark Astrology Forecast OVERALL VIEW September-November, 2017 By Mark Dodich A lthough you could make an ar- gument that every fall season is a time to buckle down and get serious, this fall is going to be serious on steroids. Mental Mercury started this produc- tive tone while it was retro- grade August 12-September 5. It started giving you hints about where you needed to get organized. By the time expansive Jupiter moves into Scorpio on October 10 for the coming year, you will feel driven 23 | HAPI Guide to focus your energy more deeply on some area of your life. The flip side of the coin of getting focused like a laser beam is the need to cut out of your life that which no longer holds your attention. In the case of Jupiter, he has been in Libra since Septem- ber 2016 helping you to analyze your relationships and relationship needs, and that goes way beyond your love life to include work, family and your rela- tionship with self. Where Libra looks at everything from every possible angle, making you crazy with all the possible options and directions, Scorpio