H-LSAMP Scholars Senior Memory Book Volume 2016-2017 | Page 56

will all be worth it , in the end . 😊

The most relevant piece of advice that I could give to any undergraduate student , would honestly be to just enjoy every part of the ride that undergrad will take you on . As there will be times of wealth and good health , times of love , joy , peace and happiness . However , there will also be times of immense stress , sorrow , sickness , pain and sadness , but that ’ s just life . You literally , have to find a solace place in the good , the bad , and the ugly , always keeping in mind that your victory lies on the other side of your greatest adversity . So , “ count it all joy , when you fall into various trials , knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience , strength & perseverance .” All of which , will help aid you in conquering everything that life may throw your way . Seven additional tips that I ’ d give to any student :

1 . Stay true to you and to your plan for you . Find your passion and follow it . Literally , let nothing stop you or get in the way of your success . Cut off all distractions , work hard and stay focused , for in due time you will reap what you sow if you do not give up .
2 . Surround yourself with likeminded people , who bring out the best in you . More especially those that challenge you to do and be
greater than you already are . 3 . Network , network , network and utilize all the resources around you .
Whether that be your advisors , professors , faculty / staff members , or just your regular academic resources ; make use them all , to further your cause .
4 . Get involved and give back to the community . Ideally , prioritize
making the world a better place .
5 . Avoid comparing yourself to & competing with others . You were uniquely woven
and set apart for a reason .
6 . Intertwine self-care into your weekly schedule . Yes , grades matter a lot , but so , does your general health & well-being , so be sure to carve out
some me time .
7 . Finally , never let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey . We all fall short
& make mistakes , but keep your head up and continue press forward . No one ever said it would be easy , but it

will all be worth it , in the end . 😊