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John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, South Carolina Review, Gargoyle and Silkworm; work upcoming in Big Muddy Review, Cape Rock and Spoon River Poetry Review. Michael Harmon holds a B.A. in English Literature from Long Island University and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University. Some of his work has appeared in North American Review, The Raintown Review, The Adirondack Review, Gravel Literary Journal, and other publications. Gloria Heffernan’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Icarus, Pleiades, The Columbia Review, The Comstock Review, Parody, Grey Sparrow Journal, Lost Coast Review, Stone Canoe, The Healing Muse, The Wayfarer: A Journal of Contemplative Literary, Two Words For, and The New York Times Metropolitan Diary. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous magazines and journals including The Chronicle of Higher Education, Radiance Magazine, Syracuse Post-Standard, The Eugene O’Neill Review, The Dramatist’s Guild Quarterly and an upcoming issue of Talking Writing. Gloria teaches part-time at Le Moyne College in Syracuse and holds a Master’s Degree in English from New York University. Ann Howells’ poetry has recently appeared in Crannog (Ire), San Pedro River Review, and Spillway among others. She serves on the board of Dallas Poets Community, a 501-c-3 nonprofit, and has edited Illya’s Honey since 1999, recently going digital and taking on a co-editor. Her publications are: Black Crow in Flight (Main Street Rag, 2007), Under a Lone Star (Village Books Press, 2016), Letters for My Daughter (Flutter Press, 2016) and the upcoming Cattlemen and Cadillacs, an anthology of DFW poets which she is editing (Dallas Poets Community, 2016). Andrea Jackson's fiction and poetry have appeared in various journals, most recently in Alligator Juniper (contest finalist; reprinted in, Meadowland Review, and A Quiet Courage and forthcoming in Star 82 Review. She has received two Pushcart nominations and one nomination for the Best of the Net Anthology, and has an MFA from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She is working on a biography/memoir based on her mother's letters. Jeff Jeppesen is a Pushcart-nominated, Georgia-based writer. His work can be found in Space and Time, Every Day Poets, Strange Horizons, Shot Glass Journal, The Linnet’s Wings and other print and online journals. Oonah V Joslin is currently poetry editor at The Linnet's Wings and blogs at You can find her on Facebook and Twitter. Steve Klepetar's work has received several nominations for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. The latest of his nine collections include My Son Writes a Report on the Warsaw Ghetto and The Li Bo Poems, both from Flutter Press. Gyroscope Review - !52