Guitar Tricks Insider October/November Issue | Page 16

NUGGETS: NAME THAT TUNE Fig. 3 Fig. 3  __ =    3     E E7 3     Eº7   4 5 0 Am 3    3 4 5 3  3 B7 1 0 2 0 2 1 2             2 4 E 3 1 0  Fig. 3 is arguably the most common country blues turnaround in the key of E. Performance Tip: May be played with a flat pick if desired. Fig. 4  __ =         Fig. 4 3 A  A7   3 Aº7   5    4 5 0 Dm 3 5 4 3  A7 3 3         3 4 E7 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 1  3 Fig. 4 in the key of A is the counterpart to Fig. 3. Observe the idiomatic “broken E7 chord” blues lick in measure 2, indicating resolution to the V chord. Performance Tip: An index finger barre on strings 4-2 could be employed for beats 2-4 in measure 1 while, low to high, the ring/pinky, ring/pinky and middle/ring descend from fret 5. Granted, it’s a stretch, especially on a Fender scale, but hey, playing the blues is not for softies! 16 GUITAR TRICKS INSIDER DIGITAL EDITION OCT/NOV