Guitar Tricks Insider May / June Issue | Page 37

LISTEN HEAR “Anyone can play blues. You just have to do a lot of listening.” The basic scale the blues came from is an Af- rican music scale. It only has five notes but all those notes are sliding notes. Same thing with the Indian scale; same thing with Arabic mu- sic. A funny thing is almost all ghetto music’s are basically very similar in scale and musical structure. And I do mean all ghetto music – be it Greek music, Indian music, Arabian music, Afghanistan music, African music, Israeli music. All of these things have one thing in common: they have the same sort of American blues scale. There is no one real blues scale. Blue notes are these notes so often (plays) which are basically the notes in your scale are consid- ered the blue notes. But there are other blues notes and other blues scales. MAY / JUNE Blues is basically a vocal music not an instru- mental music. And the best blues players play their instruments real vocally so it sounds like a human voice. That’s why you use slides and things that can emulate the facility, the slide the human voice has. Because the voice can slide up anywhere it wants too. When this music style first started in this coun- try 200 years ago, a little more than that, there was very little to work with as far as the scale. There was one scale five notes long. Each note could be changed and altered and the regis- ter lowered. But black people in this country at that time, who brought their music with them, ran into American music, which was really En- glish music, hymns, and Protestant music. It DIGITAL EDITION GUITAR TRICKS INSIDER 37