Guide Internacional de Catalogação de Obra de Arte Guide International de Catalogation | Page 11

É dition S péciale - 5 ème année A u C arrousel du L ouvre Foreword ”Art says the unspeakable, expresses the inexpressible and translates the untranslatable”. Leonardo da Vinci. Art is a really important way to connect people, without any prejudice none physical or intellec- tual borderlines and it is not a coincidence if we grant the artists the freedom to say, to express and to transmit in their works all they are thin- king and feeling. Concerning the artists, when they are producing a work, they are doing it for the collectivity or for its "owner", and in this last case, many times, those recipients are far beyond the studios ´walls or the artist personal universe. It´s in this context that I greet the herculean work that Heloiza Azevedo has been carrying out all along those last years to permit the realization of those sophisticated and moving meetings between the "Art Work" and its ”owner”. One more time, Heloiza Azevedo, already renow- ned for her long trajectory to promote the artists and her infallible curator´s look, has been showing us her professionalism, through her way to accom- plish her mission and to manage this challenge. In every Guide I had the privilege to preface, I percei- ved the significance of her implication and tenacity to allow the artists impose their talent and open them the doors of the International Art Market. In this special edition, Brazilian Artists are joining their brothers coming from Africa to present their works, their different techniques and styles. You will find it: paintings, engraving, water colors, col- lages, photographs, sculptures sprouting from those protagonists of beauty and highlighting not only each artist Art Work but also the freedom expression shout and the esthetics implication of all of them. I will thanks again Heloiza Azevedo, the organizer and curator of this exhibition to have granted me the great privilege to preface, for the 5th conse- cutive year, this International Contemporary Art Guide and to give me the opportunity to participa- te, through the Heclectik Art Gallery, to this very significant event that will happen at the prestigious Carrousel du Louvre, platform of great international happenings that allows the connection in between the artists, the collectors and the whole public. Dear Artists impose yourselves in Paris, this lights sanctuary is yours !!! Mário Britto Founding-Member of the Semear Society, Founding-Member of the Aracajou Humanities Academy, Vice-President of the Culture Council of the State of Sergipe. 11