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The next breed is Persian cat. Persian is a breed of cat characterized by having a wide flat face. It is medium to large in size. It has round head, solid and wide skull. The front is rounded and the cheekbones are strong and prominent. His chin is short and his chin strong and full. The eyes are large, round, well open and between the better separated, a very intense and bright color. The Persian cat has abundant hair, thick, long and silky touch. The tail is furry and rounded at the end. Persian cats have an abundant and exuberant fur is their main characteristic. They tend to change in seasons and to maintain the quality of the fur it is extremely important to brush them every third day as a recommendation. These cats are familiar, they love being with the children. The regular baths are also suitable and there are special techniques to eliminate excess fat in the hair as well as the correct cleaning of ears and face. Persian cats are calm. They are called the "Tigers of the coach" because they like to sleep and rest . This feline species tends to develop a condition known as polycystic kidney disease.

The final breed is Siberian cat which is native to eastern Russia, specifically the cold region of Siberian and is the result of the cross between the European cat and the wild cat of Siberian forests. The Siberian cat can and withstand temperatures of almost 32 F below freezing . The Siberian cat weights between 8 and 18 pounds and possesses agility and speed worthy of a great hunter. The Siberian cat is very friendly and playful, and is one of the few cats that likes to play with water. It also stands out for his great intelligence. The Siberian cat almost does not cause allergies in humans, because it does not produce a protein that cause 80% of allergies.

In conclusion in the world there are many cats of different color and sizes. In this article we only talked about three breed Scottish fold, Persian and Siberian, but there are many more breeds. If you want a cat you can search for information about breeds and choose one that is best for you.