GTBank Food and Drink 2018 Issue 1 | Page 36

Ultimate Guide To Food Blogging

With unique and innovative food joints constantly popping up around the world and the incessant booming of the online space , it only makes sense for food enthusiasts & connoisseurs to start food blogs . But , just like any other niche , food blogging is more than just showing off tempting dishes or putting out great recipes . It requires a certain skill set and strategy because knowing how to cook is one thing , breaking into and succeeding in this increasingly popular niche , another . If you ’ ve been hoping to break into the world of food blogging but aren ’ t sure where to start , here ’ s an essential guide that ’ ll help you through the process .
1 . Pick A Platform :
The first step will be to decide on a set-up . Most successful food bloggers swear by Wordpress .
2 . Kit Up :
Every profession , full-time or hobby requires certain tools . As a food blogger , you ’ ll be needing a handful of props from bowls to silverware , backdrops , napkins , cups etc , just to give your photos some variety . You don ’ t want your content to look repetitive , No .
3 . Learn to Photograph & Curate Beautifully :
Get in-depth information about food photos and styling before you start , do some research on which cameras work best when capturing food , must-have editing tools and apps for food bloggers . Photography and curatorial skills play a huge role as far as food blogging is concerned . Remember , a picture says a thousand words .
4 . Have A Way With Words :
Running a food blog goes beyond posting a recipe or a nice picture of the great meal you ate Saturday night ; instead , a successful food blog employs the great use of written word . It is important to familiarize yourself with different writing styles and know-hows in order to able to tell a story , create a picture , and write about food in a way that allows readers to nearly smell the gooey-goodness of the rich , cheesy pasta , sprinkled with fine melt-in-your-mouth slivers of breadcrumbs .
5 . Promote , Monetize :
If your food blog is already up and running , congrats , you ’ ve just scaled through the first hurdle . You ’ ll now have to focus of providing engaging content and publicizing your blog . Here ’ s when your visual social media skills will come in handy . So , endeavour to maintain active presence . Promotion aside , earning money from a hobby can be really awesome as well , so , find out how your passion for food can generate income .
6 . Stay Authentic , Stay Consistent :
Whether you ’ re reviewing a restaurant , hitting up your local farmers ’ market for samples and groceries , or posting a recipe , write content that ’ s new , interesting , engaging , and fun and make sure you keep at it .