GSWPA Annual Report 2016-17 | Page 16

NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 776 ERIE, PA Corporate Office 30 Isabella St., Ste. 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15212  7 1 0 2 - 6 1 0 2 s r o t c e Board of Dir Board Chair nberry) Lois Kuttesch (Cra First Vice Chair Mary Beth Taylor Treasurer (Pittsburgh) nberry) Dot Brookes (Cra Secretary nberry) Victoria Kush (Cra ge Members At-Lar urgh) Lynn Haller (Pittsb Amy d (Warren) Andrea Staplefor arrison City) (H ch Camille Kova sson) Claudia Reed (Cre ittsburgh) Dana Pascarella (P idgway) (R Denny Lindberg (Mars) g pin m Elizabeth La na) dia (In ly ee Cr Hilliary urgh) Jon Colburn (Pittsb stown) hn (Jo ek John Polac ley) Kathi Finch (Sewick ) ion lar Kelly M. Ryan (C rd) fo ex (W r Mary D. Kohle llison Park) (A an gn ca ac M Michelle ron) ha (S n Missa Murry Eato ople) en eli (Z Nicole King Yohe Ex Officio t, Patricia A. Burkar ficer, GSWPA Of ive ut ec Ex ief Ch l Girl Advisory Pane Castle) Verity Green (New ver) Ava Nachman (Bea ia) et en (V Laura Shope urgh) sb itt (P Jessica Smith onia) ibs (G cil an St Katherine