GSIS 2018 Yearbook: No Limits Volume 12 yearbook-reduced | Page 24

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1 . Mya Freeman laughs at Jason Cho ’ s presentation about advertisement . Students had to individually create their own advertisement and explain it to classmates . 2 . Lael Lassmann works on her OPCVL exposing different websites about Civil War . OPCVL stands for Origin Purpose Value Limitations and it is used to help students explore and identify the values and limitation of the sources . 3 . Timmy Lee works and corrects the mistakes that he made in grammar practice sheet . MYP English 3A / 3B is a small class for students who speak English as their second language . 4 . Ethan Baek helps Junseok Kim solving math practice sheet . In Mrs . Choi ’ s math class , students help one and each others , suggesting different solutions . 5 . Ethan Park listens to Ms . Muss introducing to new unit , which were economics and environment . Their unit consisted of a research paper
History is a means to gain a deeper understanding about the world . The Individuals and Societies ( I & S ) program has empowered students with an ability to connect their knowledge to their academics , passions , and identity .
Students consider knowledge of history to be crucial to their learning . “ History allows me to improve later on as a learner . History connects with other subjects , such as English ,” Jason Cho affirmed .
In areas such as Literature , having knowledge about the setting of a book enhances its value . Mrs . Amy Evans ’ eighth grade literature class studied inspirations . Mrs . Evans strongly emphasized her belief in the importance of history , saying , “ I feel like we better understand literature when we understand the context in which it is set . From history and stories , we can learn about life , relationships and choices .”
For many students , history ’ s significance transcends academic benefits , permeating into aspects of life as well . For Jude Joung , the I & S unit on Korean history gave him a greater appreciation for his culture . “ It just gives me a better understanding about the country that I ’ m currently living in ,” he said .
Ananya Santhosh saw I & S as a means to learn cautionary tales and prevent future mistakes . She said , “ It [ I & S ] helps me know how something in the past can make us know more about the future .” Perhaps Sarah Baek best summarized this passion for learning about history : “ You get to think with weapons in your hand : knowledge and the ability to think critically about an issue .”
on economic problems that is caused by the environmental issue they chose . 6 . Daniel Jeon and Hanjoo Bae discuss about major events during the Civil War . The
students explored different perspectives of the Civil war , later to write an OPCVL report .
7 . Mrs . Evans checks Matthew Lee ’ s progress with Noredink , which is an online language-learning program for students in grade 4 through 12 . Noredink is usually done as bellringer to build students grammar skills .
24 Academics