GSIS 2018 Yearbook: No Limits Volume 12 yearbook-reduced | Page 118

lImitles s Compassion VASE Indonesia 1. Clara Shin and Sophia Lee dance together during a welcoming ceremony at a local village. The village people welcomed the VASE team with traditional clothes, delicious local food, and lively music. 2. Junwoo Kang and Leo Chun do their morning exercises along with children of Moro Kacil, the Indonesian island that the Immersion team stayed on. Morning exercise is a traditional way for the village people to begin their day. 3. Carrie Jung and Anastasia Kim dance together during the morning exercise. It was Carrie’s third time traveling to Indonesia with the VASE team, so she was quite familiar with the morning exercise. 4. Ethan Hur, Gabriel Shon, and Mr. Coleman join the village people’s morning exercise. The exercise was crucial for the Indonesia Sports team, because it allowed the members to warm up before they started coaching soccer and volleyball. 5. Peter Jeong plays soccer with a few children from the village. Soccer was one of the great ways that the Immersion team bonded with local children. 6. Dongin Kwak holds hands with a few kids as they line up to play a game of tag. The Immersion team used the time to bond with the village children by playing games, making art, and teaching English. 7. Ryan Yi wears traditional Indonesian clothing at a festival in the village. The team danced along with the village people. 8. Mrs. Cho leads a balloon craft activity. Many of the children have never played with balloons before, so they were very excited. 9. Monica Park carries a friend in the middle of their sports coaching sessions. This was Monica’s first VASE trip, and she thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a foreign culture. 10. Monica Park works on an art project along with the local children. Other than playing sports, art was one of the main ways that the Indonesia Sports team bonded with children. 118 Spring Events