GSIS 2017 Yearbook: #BeYou Volume 11 | Page 162

Dora Li and Juna Ariyoshi enthusiastically dance to the K-Pop hit “TT” by Twice. The dance club was run by Ms. Susie Kim. She selected many different songs for the stu- dents to learn and she danced alongside them as they watched the music videos and repeated the movements. #Be #Be Spontaneous Elementary Quarter 3 After School Activities I joined chess club “ because I wanted to go to the tournament. ” first match against students from other international schools. Jihoon Ahn said, “I felt a little scared and because in my old school, the teach- From simple curiosity in chess to seeking worried." er taught me how to play chess and I improvement in chess skills, elementary Grade five Li Feng said before his match in the thought it was fun so I just joined this students joined after school chess club KAIAC tournament, he felt “nervous.” However, year’s chess club.” and claimed first position in the KAIAC according to Li Feng despite by these concerns, they The students in chess club improved tournament on Feb. 18. gained confidence by winning games and beating in skills by using iPads to learn new strate- Students participated in the after their opponents in chess games. gic moves. school chess club on Tuesdays and famil- According to Mr. Tirkey, the club advi- iarized themselves with the game. sor, elementary students use “their iPads According to Grade four Gaurav Shar- to use a chess website to play tutorials ma, he said “I joined chess club because I and online games.” wanted to know how to play chess.” He used extra time in chess club to Students also joined chess club for “teach for about half an hour and then the purpose of having fun and competing have them practice it several times.” against other schools. Students also “play and learn from each Grade four Rumin Wu said, “I joined other by playing each other and getting Top Row: Mr. Tirkey, Johannes Ha, Ruimia Wu, Gaurav chess club because I wanted to go to the Sharma, Li Feng; Middle Row: Eric Kim, Shasheesh Manda, some feedbacks.” tournament.” Jihoon Ahn, Isaac Koh, Brian Lee; Bottom Row: David Lee, On the day of the KAIAC tournament Christopher Lee, Ethan Ahn, Tanmay Gaikwao, Elliot Ha, Jihoon Ahn said, “I joined chess club many students felt nervous before their Jungmin Park, Anish Roy, Andy Dang 162 Spring Sports and Activities