GSIS 2017 Yearbook: #BeYou Volume 11 | Page 112

Holding his hands up high, Justin Hong praises God by lifting his voice to the song ‘Let it Rain’. while Chris Jung plays on the guitar Faithful #BE Night of Worship 1. Praise team member, Carrie Jung, sings her solo in the song called ‘I Desire Jesus’. Carrie is a junior and has been singing on Praise team for a year. 2. Praise team leader, Loukas Kang, prays as he plays the piano. Alumni Hanji Kim was present to support and help out the praise team. 3. Praise team members, Justin Hong, Chris Jung, Daniel Oh, Peter Lee, sing ‘This is Amazing Grace’. This performance was their last performance of the night. 4. Praise team prepares to perform at Night of Worship as Mrs. Lee begins to lead the praise team in prayer. The praise team always hold hands and prays before every performance to ask God for guidance during praise. 5. Kimin Lee, Christopher Lee, and Peter Jeong, sing vibrantly with the praise team. These students had come to Night of Worship to prepare themselves for their respective VASE trips. 6. Praise team members, Tatiana Laroche, Jamie Suh, Misa Suh, Betty Hwang, and Kylie Hur, sing their closing performance for Night of Worship. They were dancing to the song, ‘This is Amazing Grace’. 7. Carrie Jung, Anastasia Kim, and Dongin Kwak, hold out their hands as a sign of surrender to God. Stretching out hands is often used as a symbolic gesture to show respect and reverence to God. 8. Mr. Lozano, Student Life Minister, shares his story during Night of Wor- ship. Mr. Lozano had been preparing to transition into a time of prayer for students and teachers going on a VASE trip after sharing his testimony. 9. Grace Lee performs passionately amongst her praise team brethren. This performance was the first one of the night. 112 Winter Events 1