GSIS 2017 Yearbook: #BeYou Volume 11 | Page 10

# Be Young en ter, ing C Early Learn derga in K - e r P & , ergar ten d in K r io n u J r ten Sayo Fujita and Minjie Li laugh and talk about how they should dress their construction worker on the velcro wall. They add boots, a red shirt, and sunglasses to make him complete. First Row: Ms. Hong, Sota Kuzumoto, Minjie Li, Mrs. Mun; Second Row: Sayo Fujita, Linglong Zhu; Third Row: Shinji Naijo, Caleb Kim; Fourth Row: Ethan Evans, Thomas Kaiser 10 Academics Top Row: Adela Hong, Evelynn Tirkey, Eliza Yoo; Bottom Row: Mrs. Lee, Atticus Pownall, Emman- uel Laroche; Not Pictured: June Francois, Mrs. Francois Ms. Park, Iona Smith, Joshua Forbes, Alli Chiang, Ms. Kim