GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 80

ConsistenHtlyF aving un Frontline and Master Chef Ms. Choe pours kimchi into the frying pan so that Jonathan Lee and Samuel Lee can make their Chicago Pizza Kimchi Rice dish. Their dish incorporated a mix of America and Korea by mixing kimchi, rice, and Chicago pizza. This dish received an eleven out of fifteen stars. 1. Testing out the newly prepared glaze, Mr. Lozano 1 2 3 L o w e r S e c o n da ry F r o n t l i n e 4 Top Row: Soorin Kim, Vaughn Schneider, Tatiana Laroche, Jamie Suh; Bottom Row: Jaewon Min , Mr. Lozano, Jeffer Ward enjoys the donut topping of Team JAW. Team JAW, was composed of Matthew Lee, Jeffer Ward and Aidan Anderson, and for their dish, they prepared the “Ultimate Donut,” which was a vanilla donut coated with a chocolate glaze, and topped with purple sprinkles. 2. Jumping through hoops to get his job done, Vaughn Schneider sets up the racing tic -tac-toe game. For this game, each team was given three sashes, and they had to perform a relay race. 3. While Tatiana Laroche waits patiently, Aidan Anderson finishes writing the title of his dish onto the ballot sheet. A proud member of Team JAW, Aidan Anderson was chosen as the neatest and fastest writer, so it was his responsibility to write all of his teams information onto the ballot sheet. 4. Protected from flying oil, Ryan Yi, who hopes to one day become a chef, continues to cook galbi hamburgers with his teammate William Kim. 5. Jaime Suh and Tatiana Laroche tape two vitamin C tablets onto one piece of tape. Unexpected obstacles came into play when the tape would not stick, the tablets would not melt, and the water guns did not work properly. 6. Aarushi Agiwal begins to cut lemon cake into tiny pieces for her team. This new and unique take on strawberry short cake, involved the strawberries and the shortcake to be put into tiny chocolate balls. This team had the winning dessert and had the best presentation. 7. Tasting the American Korean hybrid pizza, Judges, Victor Jeong, Mr. Lee, and Trey Noh try out this unique dish. Judge Victor Jeong described it as, “an interesting mix of flavors.” 8. Desperately trying to win the noodle hockey game, Brian Kim rolls past Jeffer Ward, who at the time was doing his best “Rambo” impression. In this particular hockey game, players were not allowed to use their knees. 9. Armed and ready for this game of noodle hockey, Ryan Yi uses his pool noodle to move the ball along the “court.” Frontline knew that regular hockey would not work in a room like the auditorium, so they decided to play a game of noodle hockey, where players would use the pool noodles as their hockey sticks, and a dodgeball as a puck. 80 Lower Secondary GSIS Yearbook-LSS_Part 2.indd 80 4/17/16 6:05 PM