GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 59

Middle Years Program (MYP) students explored SketchUp, iMovie and Storyboard in Design Technology (DT) and conducted experiments in Science class with rockets, airplanes, and circuits. Such units fostered a lifelong love and passion in the realm of science and design for current upper secondary and alumni. Samantha Kim, who started GSIS as an ele- 6th Grade Acrylic plastic Key fobs Acrylic clock 7th Grade MDF/Pine coasters picture frame 8th Grade SketchUp mentary student and graduated in 2014, is currently studying Human Biology, Health and Society at Cornell University. When asked how science class has impacted her life, she responded,“I still use the knowledge that I have learned back in lower secondary in my daily life [basic understanding of weather conditions or house chores].” She further commented that the interest she developed in Lower Secondary has allowed her to make “more in-depth” discoveries. Samantha added, “MYP science was definitely a bridge to knowing about the unseen in this world that we live in as well as an opportunity to discover my interests in the science field.” When asked about her favorite aspect of science class during lower secondary, Samantha said, “The lab experiments conducted, alone or with partners, are always memorable because of the interesting observations.” Out of various majors, she decided to iWork&Google app choose science be- into what a Design Technology class was like. This helped to develop my interest, and luckily turned out to be one of the required courses I needed to take for the major I’m hoping to apply for.” Ziho only took Lower Secondary DT class for half a year so his understanding of the Design Cycle was far less than others. “While other classes barely taught the cycle, the DT classes taught me what it was, which helped me in the DP level.” There are definitely some major differences between MYP and DP. Ziho, who has taken both MYP and DP, said, “DP Design Technology is far more in depth in every way than the MYP.” He added, “In DP DT, students couldn’t just make whatever they wanted. It had to have a reason behind it, while MYP was focused more on the practical part.” Technical drawing Storyboarding/ Movie making 5 cause she always had an interest in science and felt more “comfortable studying the sciences.” “I knew that a science major was for me,” Samantha concluded. Current senior Ziho Hwang decided to continue studying DT and major in car design. When asked how MYP DT influenced his major, he responded, “It gave me insight 8 Educational video 3D model of a bedroom 6 1. Jeffer Ward makes his own circuit with batteries, wires and bulbs. They learned about what makes up electricity and also how it flows in a circuit. 2. Jude Joung and Matthew Ahn adjusts the ammeter in their circuit. An Ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the current in a circuit. 3. Hansol Lee measures the length of the wood he needs to make his own frame during DT class. The students conducted measurements to choose the shape of their frame. 4. Yuki Sugihara, Leewon Koo and Maria Galkina work together to conduct a light bulb experiment. The students worked in groups to form their own circuits. 5. Soo Rin Kim and Malia Williams paints their frame together. Soo Rin taught Malia how to mix the paint together in order to achieve the color she wanted. 6. Tatiana Laroche teaches Brian Bae a chord on a guitar. 9 10 The students brought their instruments to the class as they held an experiment on Sound. 7. Yoo Na Lee, Gha Yeon Kim and Billy No talks about their frames as Yoo Na explains how she is going to put her frame together. The students gave advice to each other on how they could have done better. 8. Mr. Francois wipes off gesso on Jaewon Min’s hands. Gesso is a white paint mixture which is used to prepare and prime a surface. 9. Erica Kim uses the logger pro to measure the sound as Joel Lee plays a chord on the violin. Not only did the students used instruments, some students use ordinary objects like balls to measure sound. 10. Matthew Lee, Mincai Jin and Navodit Maheshwari connects the bulb with the wires. The students were fascinated with how the bulb lighted up as they connected them to the circuit. 59 GSIS Yearbook-LSS_Part 2.indd 59 4/17/16 5:52 PM