GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 154

Kwon Jun Lee and Seungjun Lee hold up their prize: a both full of edible goodies. The game required answering trivia questions about Christianity. cond e S r ppe U el hap ary C n o i t a t l a h d e l l i f s rt X with Hea X e 1 2006 Mrs. Choe has been at GSIS since it opened its doors in September 2006. She was the Student Life Minister for the whole school. She continued to impact the GSIS community in big ways and is a spiritual role model to the current students, staff, and alumni. 154 Student Life NEW_GSIS Yearbook-USS_Part 4.indd 154 Dayeon Lee, class of 2011 received a box full of candy and chocolate at the Christmas chapel. Receiving this prize is still a tradition at GSIS. 2 2008 “We began the year focusing on school unity and encouragement for excellence. It was a year of relationship building through appreciation and acceptance of differences. My hope and prayer is for all students to have the opportunity to hear the gospel, to respond to His calling and to be immersed in His grace and love.” - Mrs. Choe, 2008 Yearbook 3 As part of the Christmas chapel Principal Cooper was wrapped as a present. The best looking “present” won a prize. 2009 4/17/16 8:18 PM