GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 138

Consistent y l earning Individuals and Societies, Theory of Knowledge, & Bible I’d known a little about supply and demand before I took Economics, but the class taught me more specifics like how industries could impact other countries. I also learned about specific factors of aggregate demand and supply. - John Park, 12 11 e ment d a ge Gr ana , M eeess & ear 1 L y in Y During TOK class, Chanyel Back, Hyun Nam, Loukas Kang, Hannah Cho, and Minji Kim watch a video presentation comparing “Cave” and “Elephant”. “The Blind Men and the Elephant” and the “Cave” are two stories with different theories on truth. il Bus Em DP SL IB 138 Academics GSIS Yearbook-USS_Part 3.indd 138 4/16/16 6:39 PM