GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 134

A ttentive ctive and Design Technology, ITGS, and Physical Education Janet Ahn uses a chisel to shave wood with the wood turning lathe as Jennifer Kim points out areas that should be shaved. For their first formative wood project, Janet and Jennifer’s group decided to create a crayon. “ Our GSIS students are unique and exceptional for their respect towards teachers, their working nformation echnology ethics and their warmth makes my working and lobal ociety place enjoyable.  I am so grateful to be at GSIS and I will continue to serve In 2010, the ITGS class learned about artificial these amazing students  as intelligence for the first time! long as God wants me to Heather Lee, Edward Kim, and be here.” Jinsu Chang programmed and I G T S built a robot that was able to perform many functions beyond movement. It was able to identify colors, see, and feel its surroundings. In 2010, The ITGS students worked together on their stop motion video project. David Kim and Chris Kim created a video on the servers and the Internet. They also covered the global impact of the Internet. 134 Academics GSIS Yearbook-USS_Part 3.indd 134 - Ronnie Laroche, DT Teacher, 2016 Class of 2019 What was the most interesting thing you learned in DT? I built a wooden frame using the machines in Mr. Laroche’s room. I used sandpaper to soften the edges. Before constructing the physical frame, however, I had to create four possible designs and test them against the design criteria. Lucas Lee 9th Grade 4/16/16 6:37 PM