Growth Of Mass Media And Technology 4 september 2013 | Page 3




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Nec ne erant suscipiantur. Harum facilisis adversarium pro ea, cu duis iudicabit sadipscing eam

MagyPath B.C.

Nec ne erant suscipiantur. Harum facilisis adversarium pro ea, cu duis iudicabit sadipscing eam

Television—or any video medium—differs from books in several ways that may affect cognitive structures and processes. First, the technology of these media makes both their verbal and visual symbol systems transient rather than stable. visual attention increases from very low levels during infancy to a maximum in the late elementary school years

Computers can be distinguished from the two previous formats by what they can do with information—that is, by their ability to process symbols and symbol systems. The transformation capabilities of the computer thus make immediate and direct the connection between the graphic symbols and the world they represent. Seeing this connection aids in the development of students' ability to read graphs—that is, to transform a graph into a description of what it means in the "real world."

Learning with multimedia environments is primarily, because the field is still evolving and most efforts within it are focused on development. Computer technology plays a central role in multimedia environments


Understanding how learners interact with and use the unique capabilities of each medium's format is essential to understanding the effect of mass media on learning. The growth of mass media and technology advance the development of our field and contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning.