F R I D AY • D E C E M B E R 1 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. | Ballroom East Tree and Shrub Diseases: Prevailing and Pervasive Pathogens in the Landscape Nicholas Brazee, Ph.D. Extension Plant Pathologist University of Massachusetts • Amherst, MA Oak wilt and Bacterial leaf scorch are two of several destructive tree and shrub diseases that are on New England’s doorstep. These prevailing pathogens have the potential to adversely impact our managed landscapes and forests. Additionally, many pervasive pathogens continue to warrant our attention, especially in light of recent insect outbreaks and drought. Examples will include wood-rotting fungi, anthracnose diseases, needle blights, and vascular wilts. Review the basics and learn the latest on detection and management of problematic pathogens in our landscapes. ✪ C E U NE NJ PA LD LA ISA NALP NOFA 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. | Ballroom West Tales from the Garden Allan Armitage, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Horticulture University of Georgia • Athens, GA “Tell me the facts, I’ll forget. Tell me the story, I’ll remember.” Discover the true stories behind some of your favorite plants like why a dogwood is called a dogwood – how pinks got their name – or where