Growing Made Easy Spring18 Spring 2018 | Page 27

Container Gardens Mulch Your Garden By topping your garden beds with bark mulch, bark chips or landscape rock, you are preventing soil from drying out as quickly. Mulch will also help decrease weeds, but note that rock mulches should be used in combination with landscape fabric for effective weed control. Water Efficiently To avoid excess evaporation, water your garden or lawn early in the morning. This also helps prevent fungal diseases on plants. Using soaker or slow drip hoses will ensure water is not wasted, since it only goes to the root of the plants. A Ross Root Feeder is the most efficient way to deep root water larger shrubs, trees and evergreens. Simply connect to your garden hose and insert the metal prong into the soil at the dripline of the tree. Roots will be watered efficiently without water waste. Containers may require daily watering on hot summer days. To help retain moisture in soil, use a water conserving soil mix such as Sea Soil Container Mix, or incorporate Soil Moist Granules into your soil. This unique product absorbs and releases water into the soil, so pots require less watering. Already planted? Plant Nanny watering spikes attach to any water bottle. Simply insert the bottle into the spike and plants will draw moisture as needed. Great for gardeners who are often away on weekends, Plant Nanny is available in two sizes, as well as decorative globe and wine bottle options. Choose Drought Tolerant Plants Once established, drought tolerant plants require very little water, or can go for extended periods without water. View a complete listing of Perennials or Trees & Shrubs for hot, dry areas of your yard.