Growing Made Easy Spring 2017 | Page 34

Backyard Buzz B EES and Butterflies ... and how to attract them THERE HAS been plenty of buzz about bees, mostly due to the mysterious global decline of the honeybee population. While the population of our native pollinators is currently considered safe, disappearing habitats could be cause for concern. Since more than 75% of our fruits, herbs and veggies require help from pollinators, creating a welcome environment for our bees and butterflies means a balanced ecosystem in your yard, and a bounty of food from your garden. Plant Nectar and Pollen Rich Flowers The most important steps for attracting bees and butterflies. Choose a succession of blooming annuals, perennials and herbs so nectar and pollen will be available throughout the growing season. Also, include plants like borage and milkweed that butterfly larvae can feed on.