Growing Made Easy Spring 2017 | Page 33

Achieving a lush, healthy lawn is actually quite easy; here are some important tips: In an average season rainwater might provide sufficient moisture, but hot, dry spells may make it necessary to water your lawn. To encourage a deep root system, water deeply only once per week. Short, frequent waterings should be avoided. To determine how long your sprinkler should run, place a plastic container or rain gauge a few feet from the sprinkler. When the container is filled with one to two inches of water, enough has been applied. Mowing can be done up to twice a week, if the lawn is growing vigorously. Mulching is an important part of lawn health; clippings provide a useful layer of thatch that will shade turf roots and conserve moisture. You will need to mulch frequently to keep the clippings small. Most lawn weeds can be easily controlled by hand digging. A sharp tool such as a dandelion digger makes it easy to remove most weeds, especially after a soaking rain. Spot applications of Killex or eco-friendly Weed Out can also be used. Take care to spray these selective broad leaf herbicides on calm days when rain is not expected within 24 hours. Fertilize your lawn during summer months with a slow release fertilizer such as Scotts Green Max 26-0-2 or organic Grassy Gold 9-0-0. Dog spots in the lawn? Prevent dog damage by applying Salt Stopper. This granular product helps soak up excess salts from pet urine. To revive dead spots in the lawn, rake up dead thatch and top the area with a blend of soil and grass seed. View complete instructions on preventing and repairing dog damage.