Ground Weather and Light | Page 19

6.2 Dealing with a captain’s refusal to play 1) T  he umpires cannot force the reluctant captain to have his team play and should be careful not to Law 21.3 makes clear that, in coerce him. the event one team refuses to play, the umpires shall award 2) The umpires can remind the game to their opponents. the captain calmly that the decision to play is theirs, In the recreational game, and theirs alone, to make. when GW&L issues arise, it is 3) T  he umpires can briefly often the case that one team address any issues raised will want to play (usually by the captain (eg the ball because they think that they will get wet and slippery). might win) and one team will 4) If the captain persists, the not (usually because they umpires should ask the fear they will lose). specific question, ‘are you refusing to play?’ Umpires must determine 5) A  ssuming the answer whether play is possible to 4) is affirmative, the based entirely on external umpires should explain conditions, not on the state that the Laws provide that of the match. However, once a captain’s refusal to play they decide that play can will have consequences. begin or continue, they will The umpires will follow the often be lobbied by clubs, procedures laid down in captains or players, who will Law 21.3 and will award the argue the decision is wrong. match to the other team. 6) The umpires can point out Some of this lobbying is that other consequences inevitable and has to be may arise under the accepted and managed Playing Conditions, which sensibly, principally by the the captain may wish to umpires being firm and consult before arriving at objective in explaining their his decision. thinking. However, in the 7) T  he umpires give the event their doing so does reluctant captain a not resolve the situation, it is specified amount of time important the umpires adopt to change his mind. Once a clear plan if they believe that time has elapsed, one team is indeed refusing play will either continue to play. The following 7-step or the umpires invoke process is suggested as a the sanctions in Law way to handle this situation. 21.3 (unless the Playing Conditions provide to the contrary) and award the match to the opposing side. 6.3 Handling players’ desire to play on when conditions are dangerous It is not uncommon for captains and players to say they would like play to start, continue or resume, even though they accept the umpires’ conclusions that conditions are dangerous. They will often tell the umpires that they also accept the risk of injury to themselves and their players. This is a difficult situation for umpires. The following 3-step process is suggested as a way to handle this situation. 1) The umpires can calmly remind the captains that the decision not to play is theirs, and theirs alone, to make under the Laws and that they owe a duty of care to the players. 2) The umpires should advise the captains and ask them to tell their players that they have concluded there is a foreseeable risk of injury to the players or umpires, ie the conditions are dangerous. 3) The umpires should abandon the match and withdraw from the ground. 17 92018 ECB Ground Weather and Light.indd 19 15/03/2016 15:58