Greenbook: A Local Guide to Chesapeake Living - Issue 8 | Page 37

Plank Position
strengthened core profoundly affected my running , yoga , lifting and even my posture . I wanted more . I wanted that strength to show . So I reached out to Meghan Teiff , a Personal Trainer in Annapolis .
Most people think that if they work their core , they will pop out six-pack abs as if by magic . Sadly , this is not the case . “ There is a misconception that the more crunches you do , the flatter your tummy will become .” says Meghan . Physical therapists and professional trainers know that the deepest core muscles need to be strengthened before surface muscles will ever appear . Beyond that , ripped abs and a flat stomach happen through healthy eating , drinking plenty of water , cardio exercise and an effective strength training routine . Just what does that mean ?
“ Abs are absolutely made in the kitchen ”, Meghan sternly informs me . “ You can ’ t do it without a truly clean diet . You have to get rid of processed , fatty , high glycemic foods that lack nutrition . You have to consistently hydrate . Go for ½ ounce of water per pound of body weight . You have to be willing to work on your diet at the same time you work out at the gym ”.
Meghan likes to use the resist-a-ball or Bosu in her ab workouts , which prevent cheating and are supportive of the head , neck and back . She also is a proponent of Pilates . “ It is a great way to strengthen the core and to build strength in your lower back at the same time ”. The trick is to exercise the muscles correctly . “ Watching people do crunch after crunch when they aren ’ t actually working the muscles is frustrating , said Meghan . “ I love to show my clients how good technique makes the moves more efficient and makes their body less prone to injury ”.
To work any of the abdominal muscles , you have to learn how to engage them . You can do it while you read this article ! Simply imagine the muscles that are your potential six-pack . Squeeze them . Try it now . Focus on holding that squeeze , drawing all your muscles from your diaphragm to your pelvis in toward your spine . Hold them in place for a few seconds .
Now try that same squeeze-hold while lying against a Bosu , exercise ball or mat . Raise your arms up to behind the head , making sure to not lock your fingers in the back . Raise your chest and torso just enough to your engage the muscles . Shoulder blades should rise off the floor . Contract your core muscles . Hold that position for 1 second . Lower , then do it again .
Focus on pressing your back against the ball or mat and on working those abs . Do 3 sets of 20 each , adding more repetition , weight or variations when you are able . Planks are very popular and like sit-ups have endless options . In the plank position you want to make sure every one of your muscles is active , engaged and tightened . Elbows are right under your shoulders . Fists are apart . Lock your knees and pull your belly button to your spine . Focus on squeezing every muscle from your head , down your back , including your chest , abs , biceps , triceps , thighs and calves . Consciously hold that position , careful to not arch the back or push the booty up . Hold this position as long as you can , and repeat for three sets . As you progress , add more time incrementally and consider a harder variation . Aim for 3 ab “ workouts ” each week . Within weeks you will discover a stronger , healthier , sexier you .
AmericasBodyCoach . com Facebook / MeghanTieff Training email : macawfit @ hotmail . com
Story by Diana Love